Monday, November 26, 2007

Pulling My Leg aka uncles are funny guys...

I read a book to my students today called "Pulling My Leg". It is one I inherited when I inherited my room so I have no idea who it is by or when it was published. It was great though. It is about a little girl who has a loose tooth. Her unlce tells her to bring him all these funny things so she can pull it. She does it, but the whole time she is trying to figure out if he is going to pull her tooth or if he is just pulling her leg. It is well written and you can feel (or at least I could) her feeling of knowing her uncle is joking and being silly and her thinking maybe he is not. You can tell she is thrilled and that her uncle REALLY cracks her up...
It reminded me SO much of a certian uncle or two of mine and "TICKLE TIME!!!!!" I was smiling so big by the end of the story and laughing. My kids musta though I was nuts!!

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