Sunday, May 23, 2010

Preschool Graduate!!!

This is Lorelei 2 years ago on her first official day of preschool. She didn't want to look at the camera, but we do have proof that she was there.

This is her today at her preschool graduation. I do not know where that time has gone! She is now onto the big world of KINDERGARTEN!!! Let's hope her mama can handle, because I KNOW SHE IS READY!!!!!!

Receiving her diploma

Freshly graduated showing off the goods.

Just thinks she looks beautiful here.

With mommy and daddy. Sagen was to busy eating cake.

Notice my red nose. I didn't SOB but I did cry.


Miki said...

So sweet! That's so amazing the difference from her first to her last day. Wow! I'm getting so sad to end this stage of preschool all though I'm super excited to do the Kindergarten in fall! Bittersweet at it's best I guess. I'm sad that Joey's not getting a graduation since he's in speech impact and not technically preschool.

Hugs and Kisses to my favorite Lorelei :)

Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Lorelei! The first of many. She is getting so big and grown up.
- Sarah