Sagen is offically crawling! He doesn't LIKE to do it, he would rather walk, but he CAN do it. He also has 1 tooth that has broken the gum line and one that is just below it. He doesn't like to show them off, so no picture of it but it is there! Here are some cute shots of him.
Enjoying the Tucson sun (as much as you can when you mother slathers you in sunscreen) at the Renisance Festival.
Lorelei is doing great to. We discovered that she knows many of her letters but like to pretend she doesn't:
Me (pointing to a C): "Lorelei, What letters is this?"
Lorelei: "ahhhh.....W"
Me: What letter is it REALLY?"
Lorelei: "C"
She did the same thing when she was learning her colors. She is still a talker. She talks from the moment she wakes up until the moment she goes to sleep. She has a lot of friends at school and has the best memmory. She has actaully remember two things in the last few weeks that I couldn't!
Here are some pictures of her:
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