So you have already seen our Santa picture. Now come look at the rest of our Christmas activities.
Christmas this year was really a blast because Lorelei was really into it. Despite her reaction to sitting on Santa's lap she was REALLY excited about him coming and that made it so much fun for all of us.
Here are picture of Lorelei will her haul! She LOVED LOVED LOVED everything she got and spent almost the whole day playing with her kitchen.
A few days after Christmas Sagen got ahold of a cookie and he knew EXACTLY what to do with it! It will be the last one he has for a while (his tummy hurt after), but we did by him some teething cookies.
Lorelei has decided to take advantage of Christmas vacation to ride her bike.
There are pictures missing. I think they are on the video camera. We decorated cookies for Santa and talked about how we were leaving them out for Santa. We also talked about what to leave for the reindeer. Lorelei was sure that they ate poop (lol) so we decided not to leave anything for them.
We also had a visit from Grammie (Brian's mom). When I asked Lorelei if her Grandma from Maine was here she told me "Her name is Grammie, Mama". Lorelei had a fun time getting to know her and play with her.
It was a GREAT Christmas.
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