So yes in is MARCH and i am just posting about Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas. We had an early Christmas with the Hierstein's at my parents house because Bob had to work on Christmas day. Then mom and dad came to our house on Christmas day. It was a very relaxed day and the kids for to play all day with their toys. The both got a ton of stuff. Lorelei got everything on her list that she write for Santa (in her own writing) and Sagen got everything he asked for including the Lion-o toy that "Santa" searched all over Ebay for.

Sagen decorating the tree.

Lorelei (during her glasses phase) decorating the tree.

Showing of their gingerbread house and the candy they ate
while building it.

Putting out the Christmas cookies!

Checking if he ate the cookies :)


Zhu-zhu pets!!!

Showing off the whole haul!

Showing off her haul!

Perhaps my FAVORITE picture of him EVER!!