She can do a lot of new things. Here are a few of here 5 year old skills:
- she can hop on one foot (we found this out after we told the Dr. she couldn't and she looked at us and hopped across the room)
- she can write her name and copy other words. This is still not one of her favorite activities, but she will do it.
- she can read some small words and repetitive books. This is something she DOES enjoy.
- she can spell small words if I help her break it down. I have HIGH hopes that she will be a great speller unlike her mama.
- she is starting to color more carefully and stay in the lines better, but she does not like to draw her own pictures to much.
- She STILL loves to use her imagination and will play for a long time with her brother while he pretends to be one character from their show of the day and she pretends to be the other.
- She choose quiet sitting/thinking activities as much as she chooses loud rambunctious ones.
- She can comfort her brother when he cries as long as she wasn't the one who MADE him cry.
- She STILL closes her eyes when she says "cheese" which makes her very hard to photograph.
- She can take an idea or thought and make it into a full sentence for a letter or a story.
- She loves playing with her friends and her brother, but is also content playing alone.
- She is still taking ballet and will join Daisy Scouts this year and MAY choose to play a sport (don't worry we will make sure she is not over scheduled!)
- She is getting braver and braver in the water. We also need to sign her up for "big girl" swimming lessons where I don't have to get in the water with her.