Sunday, November 14, 2010
Halloween 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
First day of school!!
Here are some first day of school pictures!
Getting ready to go.
Some nervous smiles and faces!
Look at our cool backpacks!
At school.
With her teacher Mr. Herndon. He ROCKS!
Walking to class
Monday, November 1, 2010
Click here to view these pictures larger
Here is a slide show of our GREAT summer road trip! We drove from AZ to ME and spent about 2 weeks there. We had a great time with the Raymonds, Pipers, Allens, Lees and our family. We went to the beach, had a birthday party and went to Santa's Village. It was a busy wonderful trip. Then, we headed to MA to see Kadin, Emily and Bucky. We had a great time with them and enjoyed playing in their cool yard. After that we headed to PA to visit Molly at her grandmother's farm. The kids had never been to a farm and had a great time exploring. True to form, Sagen stripped down with in the hour and sang the "naked dance" song for Molly's grandma! After that we stopped for two weeks to see our family in Iowa. We saw friends and family there and had ANOTHER birthday party. We were tired when we finally headed home. Once we got here we hung out with the Wallace's a lot and added a new puppy to our family. Oh, and had ANOTHER birthday party. It was a GREAT summer!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
Give me a T, give me a H, Give me REE!!!
- He can talk circles around most kids his age and many five year olds!
- He can climb anything, run fast and far, and hit and kick a ball.
- He is very happy boy (most of the time) he can find joy in almost everything.
- He is also can cry like NOBODIES business! He is LOUD!
- He can stay dry 95% of the time.
- He LOVES to swim.
- He has NO FEAR.
- He can take a tumble and jump right back up.
- He know the words to a lot of songs (even some I wish he didn't)
- He is shy sometimes and VERY friendly others. He will tell complete strangers his business, but he would never go with them.
- We can pretty much trust him to play in his room by himself or with his sister.
- He is funny and makes us laugh everyday.
- He LOVES to give me hugs and kisses
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
FIVE!!!!! That is right, I said FIVE!!!
She can do a lot of new things. Here are a few of here 5 year old skills:
- she can hop on one foot (we found this out after we told the Dr. she couldn't and she looked at us and hopped across the room)
- she can write her name and copy other words. This is still not one of her favorite activities, but she will do it.
- she can read some small words and repetitive books. This is something she DOES enjoy.
- she can spell small words if I help her break it down. I have HIGH hopes that she will be a great speller unlike her mama.
- she is starting to color more carefully and stay in the lines better, but she does not like to draw her own pictures to much.
- She STILL loves to use her imagination and will play for a long time with her brother while he pretends to be one character from their show of the day and she pretends to be the other.
- She choose quiet sitting/thinking activities as much as she chooses loud rambunctious ones.
- She can comfort her brother when he cries as long as she wasn't the one who MADE him cry.
- She STILL closes her eyes when she says "cheese" which makes her very hard to photograph.
- She can take an idea or thought and make it into a full sentence for a letter or a story.
- She loves playing with her friends and her brother, but is also content playing alone.
- She is still taking ballet and will join Daisy Scouts this year and MAY choose to play a sport (don't worry we will make sure she is not over scheduled!)
- She is getting braver and braver in the water. We also need to sign her up for "big girl" swimming lessons where I don't have to get in the water with her.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Preschool Graduate!!!
This is her today at her preschool graduation. I do not know where that time has gone! She is now onto the big world of KINDERGARTEN!!! Let's hope her mama can handle, because I KNOW SHE IS READY!!!!!!
Baby Birds!!
a few days later we check again and found these cuties. We of course didn't touch them or even breath on them, but we checked on them everyday.
Last week there was only one and then none. They had grown up and flown from the nest! We are so happy.
Speaking of birds growing up and moving on stayed tuned for pictures of our own little bird as she leave the nest of preschool. That's right! OUR BABY GIRL WILL BE A PRESCHOOL GRADUATE!!
Lorelei is a punk rocker!!!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Spring Break!
Desert Museum
Riding the turtle statue at the Desert Museum
Lorelei the bat.
Sagen the bat.
Lorelei was into making faces that day!
Dying eggs
When we dyed our eggs we used the whisk trick that a friend of mine found. We stuck the eggs in a whisk so the kids could get them in and out of the dye easily. It worked great!
Lorelei showing off the whisk trick
A day outside

kite flying

playing ball
With their baskets.
A gift from the Easter Bunny. We did have a egg hunt, but all those pictures are on the video camera.
posing for pictures
Giant eggs from Gramma
While all the boys were running around Lorelei sat quietly playing with her new Polly Pocket from Lisa. It is VERY uncharacteristic of her to miss out on the rough play so she obviously LOVED it.
Dress up!

They also played a lot of dress up.