We are VERY excited about Christmas this year. We are doing a lot of special things so we cannot wait. We are going on the
Polar Express then we are heading to Iowa to see EVERYONE!! We have not been with that side of the family for Christmas for 7 years. In that time 5 babies have been born. Four of those "babies" who range from 1-5 years old (we will miss Kadin) along with Rachel (who WAS around the last time we were all together) will be there and that will make Christmas extra special this year. I am picturing it being just like when we were all little. It was LOUD, CHAOTIC and WONDERFUL!!! I cannot wait!
All these things to look forward to have gotten us into the Christmas spirit a little early. We started listening to Christmas music and watching Christmas movies right after Halloween. This weekend we put up our tree. Sagen was really amazed by the tree. He knows what a Christmas tree is, but I don't think he remembers us having one. He kept saying "Wow! What's it's name?" We have named it Sagen.
Here are some pictures of the decorating. More pics of the finished product with us in front of it will follow.

Sagen using the ladder to hang an ornament. The Ladder was a bigger hit with both of them then the tree!

Lorelei showing off the ballerina ornament that Ms. Toni gave her. She can even tell you that the ballerina is doing a Passe.

Hanging the ballerina on the tree.

More decorating!

Lorelei was REALLY into this year. Sagen liked the tree, but would rather climb the ladder then hang ornaments.