Sagen and Lorelei were both very into Easter this year. They loved dying and searching for eggs, they loved hanging out with their cousins and the LOVED getting all that candy. Sagen was very interested in the Easter Bunny himself. He kept saying "Bunny HOP HOP!"

Lorelei putting her first egg in. She chose green which is her favorite color.

Sagen putting his first egg in the blue dye.

Easter morning Sagen finding his first egg.

Lorelei finding an egg. She was very good at giving Sagen some of the eggs she found.

Showing off their haul!

Gotta love the chocolate on Sagen's lips at 7:00 on the morning!

In their Easter best!

Hunting for eggs at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Lorelei is a great egg hunter I think she may have found the most eggs out of all of the kiddos!

Grandma and Sagen.