I have gotten REALLY behind in posting. School started and I just got to busy. I will make up for it today. I will give you a rundown on what we have been doing. The most exciting picture for me is at the bottom.
Lorelei had her first day of 4 y/o preschool. Her mommy had her first panic attack about Kindergarten next year! I can't believe she has gotten so big.

We went on a trip to the zoo with Lorelei's friend Jenica. Jenica's mom use to work with Brian and I and Lorelei and Jenica were in preschool together since they were 2. Jenica's mommy had another baby and was able to stay home with girls (LUCKY DUCK). Lorelei and Jenica miss each other a ton so it is nice to get them together every once and a while.

Fall came (though you wouldn't have known it for a while since it was still HOT) and we took a trip to the apple orchard. The kids had a great time picking apples, eating apple pie, and playing with their friends.

On Labor day we joined our friends Angelina and Daniel (and their mom Lori) at the Children's Museum. They were having a Go Green day so there were a lot of fun activities and music. The kids had a blast and Sagen no request to see "Dan-el and Lina" every time we go to the Children's Museum.

Our friends Heather and Elvis had a baby boy at the end of September. Heather had come to out house to pick up a shower gift and SHE WAS IN LABOR. It worked out well because their first baby boy, Connor, was suppose to stay with us while she had the new baby. So Heather said goodbye and Conner and she and I jumped in the van to get her to the hospital. Connor stayed with us and we were parents of three for the weekend. It was a lot of work :P . While Connor was here we went on the "Tucson Light the Night" walk with our friend Toni. It was a Lymphoma walk. We were part of "Toni's Team Hope". It was a very neat walk. We used lighted balloons to light the night.

The next weekend we finally got to meet the new baby, Tanner. Sagen and Lorelei are IN LOVE with him. They kept arguing over who got to hold him.


Sagen is about 90% potty trained!!!! He is in undies during all waking hours. We are still taking him potty rather then him telling us, but he stays dry MOST of the time. He still hasn't mastered pooping on the potty, but we are working on that. He USUALLY poopies before we get his diaper off in the morning.
Hoped you like our little update. Hopefully I will be better about posting in the future.