Sunday, September 14, 2008
Pinnicle Peak
We went to Pinnicle Peak this weekend. It is a cowboy themed steak resturant. If you wear a tie they cut it off. Lorelei was going to wear one, but decided against it at the last moment. So Sagen did it instead.

My little politicers...
Lorelei and Sagen saw these shirts
the other day and begged me for them (I swear)! They also want to get fake IDs that says they are 18 so they can vote! Perhaps they can run together when they grow up!
Raymond (cause she IS going to marry Isaac) and Michaud 2056!!
P.S. Don't get any idea that he is crying because of the shirt (ahem LISA H) it is becasue he is being made to sit still which he no longer does!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
He SAYS there is no secret password....
My cousin Bob graduated from the police academy on Friday. He is now a deputy. He SAYS that if I get pulled over there is no password, I still get a ticket :(
Guess I will have to follow traffic laws.
We all know that Lorelei is EXTREMLY verbal. She has spoken in sentences for A long time and she even knows the meanings of a lot of pretty complex words. Well, I think Sagen is about to follow in her footsteps. At 13 months he can already many words and some 2-3 word pharses. He says Mama, Dada, Lorelei, hi, bye-bye, Dog, car, Gramma, down, done, MINE, Alright, want, please, I , up, and thank-you (this one is not really clear). He also says "I want Mama". I think that is pretty good!
This picture has nothing to do with talking, but it is cute!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Does this make him 2?
We had a birthday party for Sagen with my mommy meetup group. So we he has now had two birthday parties. Does that make him 2? It was really fun and Sagen LOVED it! I made cupcakes in ice cream cones because ice cream cones ware Sagen's favorite. I think they were a big hit.

What do YOU think?
What do YOU think?
New Room
We are in the process of redoing Lorelei room. She wanted Curious George and it has been hard to find stuff. The only bedding set we could find was to expensive. Luckly, grandma can make one. We DID find some wall clings to hang on her wall AND an alarm clock. So far we have only gotten one cling up, but Lorelei is REALLY proud of her new room.
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