Monday, December 8, 2008

Santa-What a difference a year makes!

This years trip to see Santa went MUCH better then last years. This year there was almost no line. Last year we waited in a LOOONNNGGG line which meant they were tired by the time we got up there. Like last year we had been talking to Lorelei about it for a long time. Last year, that didn't help she still freaked out. This year it was very successful. She was SUCH a big girl. She talked to Santa and answered his questions. She even made sure to tell him what Sagen wanted for Christmas. Sagen was a little freaked out (which is why the paci stayed in), but he did okay. At one point Lorelei reached out and took his hand so he wouldn't be scared (we had talked about how she wasn't going to cry so Sagen would know everything was alright). Here are the two pictures for a comparison.


Sunday, December 7, 2008

Gingerbread House

Lorelei and I made our gingerbread house today. I think it turned out pretty cute. I am not very artistic so what we ended up with was good for me.

Friday, November 28, 2008

Our little Naked Chef

My kiddos have a thing for being naked. Today Sagen decided to cook sans pants.

Decorating our tree!

We decorated our tree today. While we were decorating we thought that Sagen was going to be a booger and keep taking the ornaments off, but as soon as we were done decorating the tree he left them alone. He was only taking them off cause he didn't get the concept.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

First Crush

Our neighbors came over the other night and Sagen offically has his crush. He was smitten with Amber. It was very cute. It was also very ironic because Lorelei's first crush was on Amber's husband, Joe.

Lorelei had fun with her too.

The other night...

No story with these. Just some night in the life shots.

Baking a cake with daddy.
Look a lot like his big sister.

Eating a yummy apple.

Enjoying some cake batter courtsey of Lorelei and Dada

Enjoy the cakes of her labor.

Christmas Tree

Yes. We have our tree up already. We have been bitten by the Christmas bug. Actually, we are thinking that if we introduce the tree slowly then Sagen will not mess with it as much. So far, it has worked. He loves it and looks at it ans touches it gently, but does not pull it over. We are hoping that when we put the ornaments on that will still be the case. Lorelei LOVES it to. She likes to lay under it and has already been posing by it.

Thursday, November 6, 2008


When Nixion resigned my Uncle Butch and Aunt Karen took a picture of their family holding the newspaper. It was one of their moment in history pictures. They did the same thing when Obama won. Of course, this time their children are gown and have to take their OWN picture. Today Brian and I had my mom take a similar picture. We are so proud to part of this INCREDIBLE moment in history. I will never forget this. I know my children will, but I am hoping the picture will show them years from now that they were here when it all happened! I will be able to tell Lorelei that she was quite the little Obama fan. She made sure to wear her Obama shirt while watch the results come in. She also told me that "Obama was on her team. Just like Santa Claus". I will be able to tell Sagen that he loved the u-tube video that chanted

O BA MA and that he would sing with them.


I will also have to remind them how much they hated having their picture taken.

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Scooby Dooby Doooooooo!

Lorelei wants to be Daphane from Scooby Doo for Halloween, so we decided to make it a family affair. Lorelei is going to be Daphne, Sagen will be Freddie and Brian and I will be Shaggy and Velma. Ginny of course will fill the role of Scooby! We had a Halloween party last night so I have some preview pics. You can see the kids costumes, but we got to busy to take one of all of us. Brian and my costumes aren't the best, but they get the point across.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Apple Picking

A few weeks ago we went apple picking with our friends Nikki and Scott. It was really fun the kids loved being outside and playing by the trees. They had a strong frost at the beginning of the season so the apples were not plentyful, but we still picked more then we could eat.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Pinnicle Peak

We went to Pinnicle Peak this weekend. It is a cowboy themed steak resturant. If you wear a tie they cut it off. Lorelei was going to wear one, but decided against it at the last moment. So Sagen did it instead.

My little politicers...

Lorelei and Sagen saw these shirts

the other day and begged me for them (I swear)! They also want to get fake IDs that says they are 18 so they can vote! Perhaps they can run together when they grow up!

Raymond (cause she IS going to marry Isaac) and Michaud 2056!!

P.S. Don't get any idea that he is crying because of the shirt (ahem LISA H) it is becasue he is being made to sit still which he no longer does!

Sunday, September 7, 2008

He SAYS there is no secret password....

My cousin Bob graduated from the police academy on Friday. He is now a deputy. He SAYS that if I get pulled over there is no password, I still get a ticket :(

Guess I will have to follow traffic laws.

Pool Party-warning NAKED babies.

Lorelei and Sagen's friend Connor came over for a dip in the pool the other night.


We all know that Lorelei is EXTREMLY verbal. She has spoken in sentences for A long time and she even knows the meanings of a lot of pretty complex words. Well, I think Sagen is about to follow in her footsteps. At 13 months he can already many words and some 2-3 word pharses. He says Mama, Dada, Lorelei, hi, bye-bye, Dog, car, Gramma, down, done, MINE, Alright, want, please, I , up, and thank-you (this one is not really clear). He also says "I want Mama". I think that is pretty good!

This picture has nothing to do with talking, but it is cute!

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Does this make him 2?

We had a birthday party for Sagen with my mommy meetup group. So we he has now had two birthday parties. Does that make him 2? It was really fun and Sagen LOVED it! I made cupcakes in ice cream cones because ice cream cones ware Sagen's favorite. I think they were a big hit.

What do YOU think?

New Room

We are in the process of redoing Lorelei room. She wanted Curious George and it has been hard to find stuff. The only bedding set we could find was to expensive. Luckly, grandma can make one. We DID find some wall clings to hang on her wall AND an alarm clock. So far we have only gotten one cling up, but Lorelei is REALLY proud of her new room.

Sunday, August 10, 2008


Thursday was Lorelei's first day as an offical registered preschooler. She is still going to our school which is where she went last year, but she is now a preschool kid not a daycare kid! She did a great job! Last year she was pretty clingy to Brian, but this year she sat with the other kids and played with them. I think I have a BIG girl on my hands! She wasn't all the interested in posing for pics, but we have a few even though she is not looking at the camera.They have to wear uniforms at our school, but Lorelei likes to show she is an individual by wear pink (or balck dragon) chucks and carrying a cool lucnhbox!

She may be a big preschooler, but she stills like to be held by her mama.

My boy likes to potty all the time!

Sagen wants to be JUST like his big sister so he is already showing interest in the potty. We have been letting him sit on it. One time in Iowa we noticed he was starting to poo poo and we ran and put him on the potty and he poo pooed in there (on the way home he also poo pooed on Gram's rug...) and the other day he started to poo poo while in the bathtub so we put him on the potty and he pee peed in there! He is no where near ready to train, but he is showing and interest in sitting on the potty so we figure we will let him and get him use to it.

Hello! I am on the potty!
That's right the potty!
Hello again!
No more pictures PLEASE!

Rollin' with my homies....

Sagen has a little friend. Our friends Heather and Elvis have a little boy named Connor. He is just about 6 months old. Before we left Connor was just a little guy that came over with his parents. Now he is big enough to interact with Sagen and Sagen is THRILLED. He LOVES baby Connor. Right now his babysitter is out of town so my mom is watching Connor too (she sometimes has all three of them!!! I call her SUPERNANNY). Sagen loves spending time with

This is the picture that inspired the title. I think Sagen's pants look like the are hanging low like the "homeboys" wear them. That is probably not PC.

I think this is a BEAUTIFUL picture of Connor
Sagen being the BIG guy and showing Connor how his toy works.
So PROUD that he is the BIG guy.
Sharing pacis