I read a book to my students today called "Pulling My Leg". It is one I inherited when I inherited my room so I have no idea who it is by or when it was published. It was great though. It is about a little girl who has a loose tooth. Her unlce tells her to bring him all these funny things so she can pull it. She does it, but the whole time she is trying to figure out if he is going to pull her tooth or if he is just pulling her leg. It is well written and you can feel (or at least I could) her feeling of knowing her uncle is joking and being silly and her thinking maybe he is not. You can tell she is thrilled and that her uncle REALLY cracks her up...
It reminded me SO much of a certian uncle or two of mine and "TICKLE TIME!!!!!" I was smiling so big by the end of the story and laughing. My kids musta though I was nuts!!
Monday, November 26, 2007
We had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year. Lorelei got to play with her cousins, we all got to talk , and we had great food. It is nice cause Nick and Lorelei actually play and talk to each other now (Nick is about 10 months older). Brian walked up to them in the middle of a deep conversation about "boo boos".
Sagen was a pretty good boy too. He of course started screaming as soon as we sat down to eat, but I was able to eat and bounce him at the same time (I figure the calories I was eating at that point don't count) and he was asleep after a few minutes. I put him in the pack and play and he slept until dinner was over (a big accomplishment for my little non-sleeper).
Now we are moving onto Christmas! We are playing up Santa REAL big in hopes of getting a picture of him and Lorelei together this year. So far she has talked to him at the mall and told him she wants a "new kitchen" (which he IS bringing her), but has not ventured onto his lap yet. We are hoping she will do it for Sagen (she will do AMYTHING for her baby Sagen).
Pics to follow as soon as I resuce them from moms computer.

Sagen was a pretty good boy too. He of course started screaming as soon as we sat down to eat, but I was able to eat and bounce him at the same time (I figure the calories I was eating at that point don't count) and he was asleep after a few minutes. I put him in the pack and play and he slept until dinner was over (a big accomplishment for my little non-sleeper).
Now we are moving onto Christmas! We are playing up Santa REAL big in hopes of getting a picture of him and Lorelei together this year. So far she has talked to him at the mall and told him she wants a "new kitchen" (which he IS bringing her), but has not ventured onto his lap yet. We are hoping she will do it for Sagen (she will do AMYTHING for her baby Sagen).
Pics to follow as soon as I resuce them from moms computer.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Just my boy...
I realized that this blog is rather Lorelei heavy, but she is doing more things so she is easier to post about!
Sagen is 4 months now. He is rolling, cooing (he "talks" almost as much as his sister!), laughing, and smiling! He is also very strong and good with his hands. He can almost get the paci BACK into his mouth already. When he is happy he is very, very good natured and sweet. He isn't always happy though. He has time where he just screams and screams. I think it is colic. He also is not a sleeper like his sister. We had him down to only waking 2x a night to eat and going right back to sleep, however that had not been the case lately. I think it is tummy or perhaps (dun dun dun) Too!EETH!!!
Regardless of his fussy times we think he is the best! We love him so much! Lorelei loves him too! He is "my baby Sagen" to her. The other days she couldn't see him and went into a slight panic. She is such a good big sister!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Potty Training
Potty training is mostly done with Lorelei (during the day at least)! YAY! YAY! YAY! She can't always get her pants down, she can't get on the big potty by herself, and sometimes we have to ask her, but mostly she is trained. She is dry 99.999999% of the time (like one accident in a month).She will tell us if she has to go and on days where she is dress in easy clothes she can pull down her own pants and sit one her little potty. We sometimes have to go to extreme measures to make sure a potty is available.

Monday, November 12, 2007
She doesn't want me to get big headed....
Today I was sitting next to Lorelei drawing for her on her board. Here is our conversation:
Lorelei: "Draw baby Sagen, Mama"
Me: "Okay, here is his head, and his little body, his eyes, and his nose.
Lorelei (with a look of utter disgust): "No, Mama baby Sagen is cute!"
LOL I guess she doesn't think I can do him justice.
First Cereal
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